Blown-in insulation


Blown-in insulation, also referred to as loose-fill insulation, is a process where the attic, joist cavities, or stud can be filled in with a loose material with greater insulating R-value. Blown-in insulation is also best suited for retrofitting your attic space and closed cavities inside the walls. If you have decided on installing blown-in insulation for your property, Tri County Insulfoam is here to help. We provide blown-in insulation services in PEI. Be it for your residential, commercial, industrial, or agricultural properties, our skilled insulation contractors can handle it all.


There are many types of material that can be used for blown-in insulation. Loose fiberglass fiber is one such material. It provides effective insulation by eliminating the growth of mildew and making the insulated environment moisture-free. This material is inorganic and non-combustible in nature.

One of the widely used materials for blown-in insulation is cellulose. It is made from recycled cardboards, newspaper, and wood-based materials. The recycled cellulose material is then treated with boric acid and other components so that the end product becomes flame and moisture resistant.

Styrofoam pellets can also be used for blown-in insulation.

If you require more information on our insulation services, please contact Tri County Insulfoam. We provide free estimates.


Blown-in insulation takes very little time for its implementation. It takes around 1-2 hours for our insulation contractor to cover the floor of your attic with a layer of insulation. It is done with the help of a single hose which is taken up across the attic hatch. 

In this method, the materials used are also environmental friendly. The blown-in cellulose is a green product, as it is made of recycled paper, cardboard, and other wooden materials.

Blown-in insulation is mostly used for roofs as it prevents ice damming. If you have apt insulation, it keeps the heat where it should be and does not allow the ice to flow and refreeze to create ice dams.


Contact us for a free quote before getting started on your next insulation project.

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